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If your application needs to use the OPTIONS HTTP method or the CORS or CORS preflight mechanisms, you can use the @ditsmod/cors module.


npm i @ditsmod/cors

Work with default settings

A finished example from @ditsmod/cors can be viewed in the Ditsmod repository.

The module can work with default settings immediately after import:

import { featureModule } from '@ditsmod/core';
import { CorsModule } from '@ditsmod/cors';

imports: [
// ...
// ...
export class SomeModule {}

Now all routes in SomeModule will be supplemented with new routes with OPTIONS HTTP method. That is, if SomeModule has GET /users and GET /posts routes, they will be automatically supplemented with OPTIONS /users and OPTIONS /posts routes.

You can check the operation of this module with approximately the following queries:

# Simply OPTIONS request
curl -i localhost:3000 -X OPTIONS

# OPTIONS CORS request
curl -i localhost:3000 -X OPTIONS -H 'Origin:'

# GET CORS request
curl -i localhost:3000 -H 'Origin:'

# CORS Preflight request
curl -i localhost:3000 \
-H 'Origin:' \
-H 'Access-Control-Request-Method: POST' \
-H 'Access-Control-Request-Headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type'

# CORS request with credentials
curl -i localhost:3000/credentials

Work with custom settings

If you want to change the default settings, during import you can pass some options that will be taken into account at the module level:

import { featureModule } from '@ditsmod/core';
import { CorsModule } from '@ditsmod/cors';

imports: [
CorsModule.withParams({ origin: '' }),
// ...
// ...
export class SomeModule {}

It is also possible to pass CORS options at the route level:

import { featureModule, Providers } from '@ditsmod/core';
import { CorsModule, CorsOptions } from '@ditsmod/cors';

imports: [
// ...
providersPerRou: new Providers()
.useValue<CorsOptions>(CorsOptions, { origin: '' }),
// ...
export class SomeModule {}

Working with cookies during CORS requests

When you need the CORS HTTP response to contain cookies, and for those cookies to be accepted by web browsers, you can use CorsService:

import { controller, Res } from '@ditsmod/core';
import { route } from '@ditsmod/routing';
import { CorsService } from '@ditsmod/cors';

export class SomeController {
constructor(private res: Res, private corsService: CorsService) {}

getMethod() {
this.corsService.setCookie('one', 'value for one');
this.res.send('Some response');

As you can see, the cookie is set using the setCookie() method. In this case, the response will contain the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true header.